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Please note:
If you fail to complete the event you will be marked as a DNF with no points given for that round.
Each event has outlined requirement that can be different to be marked as a finishing rider or DNF.

Please note if you turn up with the incorrect numbers and back grounds you will start at the rear of the class if directed by the event.
Please understand all regulations and rules at each event.

2023 Points.png

2023 Awards Day at Wildwood on 3rd December from 12pm.

2023 Inter Club Series Points

Junior A Points Final.jpg
Gold Points Final.jpg
Silver 1 Points Final.jpg
Silver 3 Points Final.jpg
Junior B Points Final.jpg
Gold 45plus Points Final.jpg
Silver 2 Points Final.jpg
Silver 35plus Points Final.jpg
Silver 45plus Points Final.jpg
Womens Points Final.jpg
Bronze 1 Points Final.jpg
Bronze 2 Points Final.jpg
Bronze 3 Points Final.jpg
Bronze 4 Points Final.jpg
Bronze 5 Points Final.jpg
Bronze 35plus Points Final.jpg
Bronze 45plus Points Final.jpg

Updated 26/11/23 4:00pm

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